While your bride maybe running around with her sisters and mom preparing for the big celebration, you the groom need guidance on how to help. Grooms often are not certain of how to help prior to the wedding, how to assist the wedding planning process or what they can do. We have compiled a list of helpful things to get done so that you can be ready for the wedding festivities.
Finalize All The Bookings

As the groom you can take on the responsibility of finalizing all the travel details and reservations. Verify the flight times. Double check on the hotel check in times. If you want to be extra helpful, make a schedule of when to arrive where and the addresses of hotels with check in and check out policies, so that you and your bride and family can have a relaxing celebration.
Get Good Sleep

Though it is a fun, vibrant time of partying and ceremony, it can be quite exhausting to go through it all. Make sure you intentionally take the week prior and go to bed on time, get quality sleep and rest.
Clear Your Word Schedule

Make sure you are not getting distracted and bogged down with conference calls and work meetings while all the last minute preparations are taking place. The week of your wedding you must be free to focus on your wedding preparations. Do what you can to clear your schedule of all work related distraction.

A week before your wedding get your outfits fitted and all the final alterations done. You don’t want a tear in your clothes from something being too small or too tight. Make certain everything fits perfectly.
Get Groomed

Get a manicure, pedicure, a haircut and a shave scheduled in. Make sure you look polished and fresh for the photos. Have all these appointments scheduled in advance so they take priority. Nothing is more embarrassing that a groom not looking his best.

Have your vows written down on quality paper and ready for when you need them so that you are prepared. You don’t want to be frantically searching for them at the last minute so put them in a place you will remember.
Gift For The Bride

Have a special gift prepared for your bride. She will feel special and appreciated by your thoughtful gesture. Be creative and intentional. Spend some time shopping for this, as it will be clear if you get something last minute.
Steam Your Wedding Outfits

Make sure all your suits are dry cleaned and steam ironed and ready for each ceremony. Nothing looks worse than a groom in wrinkled clothing!
Polish Your Shoes

Especially if you will be wearing different shoes on different days make sure each pair is clean and polished.

Have all your accessories laid out for each day of celebrations. Make sure you have all your jewelry picked out, clean and laying out in the right order for each ceremony. It takes time to select the perfect pieces so make sure they are all in order before the festivities start. Belts, cuff links, ties, turbans, jewelry should all be in order before the wedding.
Don’t Be Late

Calculate traffic times and car rentals to make sure you are not always late. It’s classy to be fashionably late, but do not be 1-2 hours late and keep your guests waiting too long.
Enjoy You Wedding

Make sure you take it all in and enjoy yourself! Cherish the beautiful moments. Celebrate with your family and friends and smile big for the photos!