We can all agree that your wedding is one of the more expensive things you will have to spend money on in your life time. But at the time we are trying to plan our wedding, most of us aren’t in the position to throw down twenty, thirty or fourth grand for a single day of our lives! That is why more and more couples seek out more realistic, affordable options for weddings. Luckily, there are so many ways to save. Here we want to give you eleven places you can go to buy used wedding decorations. Wedding items are only every used for one day. The wear on any given item is usually minimal. Most things can be reused many times. It truly is a great thing to be able to not have to pay full price for brand new items when you can pay much less for almost new decorations!
Facebook has a wonderful section called the ‘Marketplace’ which enables users to sell anything from their clothes, to their cars to anything in between. Many brides end up listing their once used wedding decorations, their wedding dresses, shoes, and furniture
after their wedding. No one wants boxes and boxes of items laying around as their married lives begin. So you are sure to find great items for your wedding needs. Just search up what you’re looking for, and all your local available items will pop up! It’s a great way to save!
2. Storenvy

This store is a wonderful resource to buy discounted items. Here you can find bridal hair pieces, jewerly, wedding dresses, and small wedding decoration items.

This awesome site offers a wide variety of wedding items including dresses, jewelry, hair accessories, belts, and shoes all for affordable prices! They offer a $50 off your first purchase when you sign up with your email!
Poshmark is an amazing store to hunt for deals on brand name items. They have a huge variety and you can save a ton on your wedding needs while purchasing quality expensive items for half off!

Just like the name suggests, this site is full of lightly used wedding decorations. Much cheaper to buy used than to buy these items brand new. Explore this site and you’re sure to find incredible deals.

Mercari is a selling and buying app. There and hundreds of thousands of people on there, trying to get rid of their stuff. You’re sure to find brides who have treasures you need! Also, once you’re done with your wedding, it’s a great place to resell all the things you no longer need and get your money back!

Though most of the country knows about this site, it’s amazing the things you can find on there! If you search for wedding items, you’ll find amazing deals right in your own town!

Very similar to Craiglist. It connects you to local sellers in your area who are trying to get rid of their goods. Many people want to sell their wedding decor, wedding dresses, bridesmaids dresses and shoes. The list is endless!

This site not only sells used wedding items and much more, if also connects you with wedding services and venders at amazing prices. Bridal makeup packages, local DJs, and photographers can all be found on this site!

Though eBay may seem obvious to many, a lot of brides don’t consider buying wedding decorations off of there. But once you do some searching, you’ll be surprised at the amazing prices people are willing to sell their wedding stuff for!

This website is great because is specifically focuses on buying and selling wedding items. Your entire wedding can be purchased on this site! A one stop shop, with unbelievable deals!
Don’t spent more than you have to on your wedding. Take some time exploring each of these sites and you’re sure to save!